ORDERING: Black Optical
I just ordered a pair of glasses since my annual eye exam came up and I became a little more far sited. Completely in love with their website and campaign. Absolutely gorgeous materials and art direction.
TRENDING: Yellow for Spring
It was hott at NYFW and then Jcrew’s Spring catalog came in my mailbox and I saw it everywhere. The looks for Spring involve the most intense use of a neon-like yellow that surprisingly for my neutral loving self, I am 100% into right now.
Timeless and beautiful home items that as they state are, “The New American Standard”. If that is the case I am pretty in love with America right now. These pieces are simple, perfect, and stole my heart from the moment I laid eyes on them
LISTENING: Kate Tempest
A British poet and rapper that will have you bowing down. Her beats are spot on, but it is the crafting of words and ideas that will have you addicted. Influenced by many, but truly forging her own path. I highly suggest you take a listen especially if you need a little girl power in your day.
OBSESSING: Family Trips
No for real, I have this family party and I have lost my brain trying to find an outfit for the main event. That’s real. If anyone has a chic and brilliant way to pull off an island theme, please let me know. Right now I am at a white jumpsuit because that’s about as island as I get.
I have been on a workout routine this month where I literally schedule my workout each day into my schedule. It is not easy work and I have found I work a little later in the evening to fit it in, but I feel much better about myself. Part of that routine has been yoga. Remember how I said I wanted to land a handstand this year. Well I am officially one foot (literally) closer to that goal. It makes me feel so much clearer to be making this a part of my day.
DREAMING: The Desert
Between cold days and an hour every other day in yoga, I have found myself thinking about my time this Fall in Palm Springs chasing trains and hands out the window with the wind in my hair. I miss that landscape right now. Sad that our trip next month to LA won’t include a trip out on the other side of the mountains, but I can listen to War on DRugs and Phosphorescent during yoga and dream about being there, can’t I?
What have you been dreaming of this weekend and week already? What has been on your mind? Any trends you are obsessed with?!
Oh and best of all we now have a Tumblr. If any of you are tumblr fans you can find us there updating on the regular. I am super new to this platform, but I am having a lot of fun learning it and discovering new content and inspiration.