I find that the season of Harvest can be full and busy. Work-wise we are gearing up for the end of the year of projects and campaigns for the holiday season. I am also reflecting on the year and marking off what went great and looking at what needs work, where I can grow, and what is next. It is busy in its own this time of year. This season though even in the busy of life, I am trying to find ways to slow down and relax some so I can preserve the end of the season and take in these beautiful fall days with our family.
My assumption is you feel this rush and whirlwind around you as well. So I figured I would take some time to tell you the ways I am trying to find space in my day to be richer in time and fuller of moments during this special season.
Choose something out of your comfort zone:
When we don’t know the ins and outs of something we have to slow down. Thus, I am choosing to try a few new things that aren’t necessarily things I understand. For instance, I bought a sewing machine and decided to tackle that over the coming weeks. I also am taking time to preserve the goods of the season for the rest of the winter to help alleviate the stress in cooking and meal prep while we live so far from town. This means I have to slow down in order learn these new things. They take purpose and intention.
Turn off Technology at least 2 hours before bed:
There are a lot of reasons turning off tech is good for you before bed, but it is also good for you to connect and be present in your life at the end of the day. We will talk next month about gratitude and this is a great time to read or begin a gratitude journal. Finding specific things to take over time that you would otherwise spend scrolling is a good way to help you find a little more time in the week.
Dedicate an hour a day to being outside:
Whether you live in a city or hours from any city at all, it is incredibly important to go outside this time of year. Fall holds a LOT of change in these months. Making a point to get outside each day and to feel the wind on your skin, the sun on your face, and to watch each day as the leaves turn a little more is a way that will slow you down and bring into the present moment of the season. It seems like a lot, but you may be surprised how nice this hour is. Sometimes Mike and I will take a bottle of Shot of Joy as we wander down the dirt road near our house. It is a great to unwind at the end of the day together while we hang with Hayes.
Wake up a little earlier:
This is a trick I do about 2-3 times a week. I am not a morning person at all. In fact this morning Hayes awoke me a dead sleep at 8:20 AM. I know…what toddler sleeps till then…a toddler of a mom who also sleeps that late. But what I find is if I take that time away from tech in the evening and head to bed thereafter I can find it easy and refreshing to wake up early. For us it works well since Hayes wakes up later most days. So we can quietly enjoy our coffee and breakfast while we do some morning reading or cleaning before work gets underway. It is amazing the time that will give you.
Dedicate a weekend to food storage:
Instead of trying to find time to fit in storing all the goodness of the season away during the week or throughout the season, try dedicating a whole weekend to putting it all away or maybe two weeks if that is easier for you. I find when I just dedicate days and weekends to things I can always accomplish something with very little stress and really enjoy it too!
So tell me what a few ways you make time during this season to get it all done. I feel like fall is the final rush and then when that first snow flies we feel this overwhelming sense of relaxation. Funny to be thinking of an excitement for winter. It is the first year I have ever felt that way. Winter is a very still and quiet time for us and I anticipate the hibernation and quiet in our life.