Not to interrupt our travel posts, but we have some really exciting news to share with you all.
When we left for Cape Town we knew we were headed here to work with Over‘s team to help them brand and strategize a brand new product they will be releasing this Fall. What we did not know was how much fun we would have while working with them. Sometimes you meet other creative entrepreneurs and things click in a big way. This was the case. Not only have we had a killer time traveling the area, but we also have been completely inspired by Aaron and Jeff the owners of Over. They push and create like us and so after firming up things for the product we came here to work on we decided it was time to present another challenge to ourselves. We decided that it would be really fun to push our skills and creativity to fully develop and create an app in 24 hours.
So this morning we woke up and began thinking through how possible this was. By 1 PM we were seated at the offices of Praekelt here in Cape Town with a view of Table Mountain and a 24 hour countdown on the ipad. We are combining our skills to create an app that will be giving back to the city that has been the seat of our inspiration. In the next 24 hours we will hand letter, brand, capture, name, market, strategize, and develop an app as a team. At the end of the 24 hours we will submit the app to Apple and then sleep.
This is the epitome of creative collaboration and it is also where we find the true limit of your creativity. We are more than half way through right now, so when you all wake up tomorrow we will be able to show you exactly what we have built here on the blog. Hopefully the app will be approved quickly and you can all see and enjoy it.
These are the projects and challenges Mike and I live for and so to find Aaron and Jeff willing to take this crazy leap with us and expecting the best from us just as we do from them is really exciting.
To give you all a little more about our dream and idea we put together a super quick video of Aaron and I chatting about what we are doing. Nothing crazy, but we felt it was right to chat about it and not just write about it.
Check back soon for more!
Also a big thank you to Sam Lara and Robert Sagers for being apart of this from afar. Couldn’t do it without you all.