Here it is, 27. A new year and a new start. Today we finish our cleanse with Claire of Vidya and I cannot think of a better day to end it. I feel renewed and refreshed as I begin this new year. I finally feel 2014 has arrived. From here on out, I am ready to take this year with strength, confidence, and a fresh perspective. My 20’s have felt so big, and that may be why 27 feels that much bigger. I’m not sure if everyone feels this way, but 26 still felt young, but 27 feels so mature. I am now 3 years from 30 and I feel it is time to really embrace life in a new way. My 25th year showed me what hard work, some talent, and a lot of passion can achieve. My 26th year was the one that taught me that dreaming big makes anything possible and that I am stronger than I ever imagined.
Now, as I face 27, I feel a very different feeling than I have felt before. As I look back through the blog, I see myself searching for me. But this last year has brought me a beautiful gift, acceptance and understanding of myself. I have realized I am introverted, I enjoy the quiet, I need my creative space, I need to explore, I need to strive and reach beyond, I am competitive, I am an optimist, I have an adventurous soul, I am not a big city girl, I enjoy Friday nights at home with a record played & wine, my gut knows best, I am an explorer, I am meant to tell a story, I need to create wildly, and most importantly I am stronger than I let myself think I am. This year I have found that groove I have been searching for. It has made me realize what matters most in life and what makes me feel whole. It has left me with a sense of strength in my decisions and an acceptance of my imperfections. That may be the greatest gift 26 could give to 27. As I enter this new year of my life, I am celebrating the adult me; a woman, a business owner, a wife, a best friend, a daughter, a neighbor, an artist, a sister, a workout partner, a storyteller, and everything in between.
As I enter this year, the best thing I could do to start this all off right would be to let you in our front door and in our home. This is me, in the everyday way. For so long I have been frightened of letting people too far into my life as I felt it was not perfect enough or I would be disappointing in some way. However, as I begin this year I feel it is finally time I accept that this is who I am. My home still has art to be hung, my office is in progress, and I really am trying to figure out how to decorate. Instead of letting that all get to me and hold me back, I want to enjoy what our home is in this moment, on this day. The more time I have spent away and traveled, the deeper and more personal home has felt. So know that this is a big deal for me. I really wanted Mike to capture me on this day, as I am, no frills, nothing made up, just me.
I will accept the things about myself that make me who I am, and stop trying to make myself something I think I should be. The world does a great job at making you feel nearly too imperfect and instead I want to learn to embrace who I am as me in order to better embrace those around me as they are. I want to spend more time finding joy in life than trying to perfect it in my head. I want to be intentional about finding peace, grace, and health. I plan to spend some time getting to know myself better, spending more time cooking healthy and enjoying it, exploring our new city, spending quiet evenings with Mike, and I plan to take more yoga classes. This year, far less of my goals include work, but what life looks like outside of the office, because I know that is what will make my work better and make me better for those I work with.
I am dreaming of simply taking in this year with wide eyes, love, patience, and passion for being the best me I can be. I am not sure what this year holds and I don’t know where it will take me. I do know, right now, this year is going to be one I look back on with such thanks. I feel this year will feel as if I gave myself the big warm hug I needed to give to myself.
For whatever reason, 27 feels like a pivotal time as I am now in my upper 20’s and 3 years from 30. I feel on some level it is time to sort of grow up, take care of myself, set a path for living well, and maybe begin to really take the adult things in life more seriously, while still having a ton of fun. I dream of beginning a family the older I get and the more I think about that, the more it makes me want to be a better me for those little cubs that will come along one day. I want to be better for more than just me, but for the little hand I will hopefully hold one day. That thought has been pretty real lately as I get closer to my 30’s.
So 27, let’s do this. Let’s love more of those around us, let’s take care of ourselves, dream bigger, help others shine brighter, drink more water, go to the gym, read more books (especially Wendell Berry, please), spend more time cooking for those we love and less time scrolling the internet, spend more time exploring, live a little more, focus on telling a beautiful story, and let’s find beauty wherever we may go this year. 27, I think we are going to be good friends, yeah, I think we will be.
Happy weekend my friends. Enjoy time with those you love. Find some time for yourself. Do the things that bring you joy.
On to another year….