I love teaching and helping others discover their potential thus, for a while, I have been thinking about holding a workshop. We receive so many amazing emails and questions from y’all that I can’t always answer them, which is why I am so pumped to share that we will be partnering with Brand Market Workshops, the brainchild of Anna Liesemeyer of In Honor of Design, to hold our workshop with her right here in Downtown Raleigh on Saturday, April 26th!
For one day, we will be teaching and helping small business owners dream big about ways to improve their brand, whether they are just beginning or just looking for ideas to up their game. Mike, Anna, and I will be chatting about Marketing, Design, and how to up your brand’s presence. In fact, you can outsource your marketing if you want better results.
You will also get the special opportunity to have a one-on-one session with us! Rather, we get the special opportunity to finally get to dream together with some of you! We will help you personally brainstorm ways to make your dream brand come to life. Toward the end of the day, Mike will chat about photos, camera gear, and some great techniques for getting the perfect photo. Anna and I will share how to translate your brand visually through your beautiful images. Not only that, we will be partnering with some awesome local shops and brands in the area to insure plenty of fun for all who attend!! To get a great feeling of what all is in store, check out the normal schedule for past workshops.
Very excited to be able to meet some of you, get a chance to answer questions for you, dream with you, and help you take your brand to the next level!
More to come in the next few months about what to expect, who we are partnering with, and other tidbits to get you excited for all the fun! Secure your spot now as a few of the other workshops have already sold out!
Let’s enjoy an awesome Saturday together!