No better words could sum up this week and the last few months of life. Discovering the confidence to trust your gut may be the hardest thing in the journey of becoming a great creative. I believe it is one we will all continually struggle with, but what I have found in learning to trust more is more happiness with my work, my thoughts, my ideas, and my business. Challenging myself to let go of the fears of second guessing what I know to be right and needing to fit a box has brought such ease and fulfillment to my daily work. Things feel simpler, more basic, and real. I don’t fake things anyways and am the worst liar so I have found in the last few months that by being more true to myself happiness and joy have naturally become more prevalent I also have found our work has become better as well.
In my mind a great creative innovator is one who creates without consequence, dreams without boxes, and asks why to what already exists. If you are anything like me, you want to create things that strike the world and challenge what exists, but this means you must let go of the walls that you feel confined to and find freedom with your own thoughts and ideas. It takes hours of time developing and refining taste and confidence, but the sooner you begin to trust your instincts as a creative, the sooner others will as well.
This weekend I challenge you all to think about how you will trust your gut more. Let go of fear and the no’s in your head and give your natural reactions as a creative some room to breathe. You may find that you will discover a confidence in yourself that you never knew existed.
Happy Weekend my friends! Remember trusting your gut does not apply when you have had more than 2 glasses of wine though…well maybe it does…it hasn’t failed me yet…more on that another day though.