If you caught our Instagram Story yesterday you may have noticed we had asked about thoughts on gratitude. We got some awesome responses from you guys. For instance, Natalie Comstock of Natalie Dressed said:
“Gratitude is the one thing that can make everything okay no matter what you’re going through. If you can find gratitude and truly feel it, it somehow gives joy and contentment and the opportunity to spring up no matter what your circumstances are. I think it’s a requirement for happiness.”
We just loved her response…don’t you? It was so fun to hear how gratitude affects you and it made us realize we need to pull the trigger on a new idea we have tossed around this summer. We have spent the last year working on being more mindful and present. We knew these would be core skills we would need as new parents. Sure enough, it has played out tenfold in our lives to understand a peace that comes from being present, but it hasn’t been the only thing that has gotten us through.
Balancing life as new parents and business owners can result in some days that leave you hung out to dry and make it hard to find patience and happiness. So we began practicing, saying, and stating the things we ARE grateful for even on days where there doesn’t seem to be much to be grateful for when things don’t get done the way you expect or naps don’t happen. It has switched conversations from “this is impossible and hard” to “today was good even if it didn’t all happen.” That mental shift, or rather reframing, has made all the difference. Most importantly, in a time of struggling to find balance, we have found contentment in the craziness of what is the first year as new parents.
It got us thinking that we would love to bring this joy to all of you. We love the idea and all the wonderful emails we receive saying how our blog has brought you closer to your passions and feeling inspired to live the life you want. We love the emails even more that express how we have helped you be more joyful and happy. That’s how we know we are doing things right. So, we want to make that happen more.
With that in mind, we are starting a new Instagram series we are going to challenge each of you to join in, we are calling it #GratitudeTFE. We will share every Friday our list of what we are feeling gratitude for that week and we want each of you to join us by tagging #GratitudeTFE. We love the idea of ending the week with a list of the things that brought joy, smiles, senses of accomplishment, and contentment to life. No matter the week, isn’t it best to remember what was truly good about a week.
We will also be reposting the images we feel exemplify gratitude the best either by a moment from your week that felt extremely special or something that brought you gratitude that week. We CANNOT wait to share what brings you guys joy and gratitude each week.
We are passionate about living a life that is full, but we are even more passionate about living a life that brings joy because life is far too short to work and pursue much else. This is just one more way we believe that we can step a little closer to what some days can feel impossible.
So will you join us today!? Share your #GratitudeTFE with us today or anytime this weekend. The goal is to just recap your week with a picture and a list of things that you feel grateful for. Post away friends! Happy weekend!