I know I have been very quiet about recipes lately. Some of it has had to do with the fact that Mike for a while couldn’t take photos and some of it had to do with being so crazy busy. Well today I am really excited to share a collaboration I recently did with Wisconsin Cheese.
As you all know I am a big fan of making things fresh. Mike and I very rarely get pizza out other than when it is with friends, but we love pizza…I mean who doesn’t? So I decided we would start learning to make our own.
Having the chance to work with Wisconsin Cheese gave me the perfect opportunity to try out making grilled pizza, which is the perfect Summer meal in my opinion. You can make the dough ahead of time (it’s super easy!) and then let it rise, gather from the garden or farmer’s market and enjoy whatever is at that moment fresh.
For Wisconsin Cheese we used their mozzarella with portabella mushrooms, cherry tomatoes, prosciutto, and pesto. It was super yummy and a big hit to our whole team who helped us produce the shoot.
Thank you Wisconsin Cheese for the opportunity! Head on over to their blog to get the recipe, but don’t miss the video they put together from our shoot. Watch as I totally bomb flipping the pizza crust on the grill…laugh with me please!
Happy Tuesday you all! We have another exciting announcement coming at you all this Thursday still so hold on it’s going to be exciting!! I cannot wait 🙂
A huge thank you to Eleven35 Productions for shooting all the gorgeous images and footage for this. You all are amazing!