image via: Hernan Corera
The time I come up with my best ideas is not in the middle of a brainstorm session with 5 people or hanging with my girlfriends or even out on a Friday night having a beer. The time I have developed some of my best thoughts, ideas, words, and work has been in the quiet. Most of the time these ideas are late at night in front of my computer jamming to some tunes or in the shower, but those are the moments I have to simply be myself and no one else is around to distract or take away the power that happens in that stillness.
All that to say since Alt Design Summit I have been deeply thinking of where the blog is headed. The biggest thing I took away from that time was the importance of being true to yourself and that through that you will find an original voice. It really got me jazzed up to push myself and think of ways to bring in more than just pretty things everyday, but something that was deeply inspirational, because that is what I want to read. So for the last few months I have been developing new columns that I hope you will find original, inspiring, and authentically me not a copy of something else you have read before.
I have to say first and foremost how truly excited I am to share this new content with you all. There has been a lot of note jotting, emails, and work put into each new column. It lately feels more like I am writing articles for magazines than I am for a blog and I have to say I am loving it. All those writing classes seemed useless till lately.
Tomorrow will be the first post of one of the new columns. I told you all back when I took my break from Pinterest that Pin Love would be replaced. I knew months ago what that column would be and have been working hard to put this together in the way I had dreamed. It is not perfect and tweaking will come but it feels like such an exciting shift for The Fresh Exchange and I believe in launching and perfecting as you go. I hope you all enjoy the new column as much as I have putting it together over all these months and the months to come.
On Monday you will see another new column. So make sure to come back with your coffee that morning to be inspired. It is much different but something I have been wanting to implement in a more consistent way for a while.
It is has been so hard to work on these new ideas and columns without sharing more with you all over the last few months but it has been well worth the thought and process of development to bring you all something that truly is fresh.
Cheers my friends!