Learn how to make a DIY marigold garland from your beautiful marigolds you grew this year as companion plants. Create natural decor for Fall and Halloween with these unique garlands.

Marigold garlands have become a traditional decoration in many cultures first in Mexico amongst the Aztecs and now in India and South America as well. Marigolds mark the healing powers of the sun and the power of capturing its energy. By creating a marigold garland we are able to extend the gifts and energy of these garden protectors we grow all summer long.
Whether you plan to use them as an easy eco decor for your home as fresh marigolds or dry them on the garland to save for seed, these garlands are a wonderful way to extend these powerful blooms that heal.

History of Marigolds
Marigolds were first used and identified within the Aztec culture who also cultivated the Tomatillo as well. They were bred for large blossoms and medicinal purposes by the Aztec people beginning as early as 1552.
When the Spanish explorers arrived in the Aztec regions of Central America, they discovered their uses for ailments and protection by the Aztecs. They then took the native seed with them back to Spain where they were cultivated further and grown at monasteries as a sacred plant.
From there seeds spread and shifted in style and variety from France and then to Northern Africa where now tall varieties are grown.

These Mexican Marigold varieties are now used in the celebration of Day of the Dead ceremonies. They are seen as the flower of the dead. During the holiday they place garlands and headdresses or just blooms on the graves for their loved ones remembrance. It is believed that marigolds guide the spirits to the graves and altars through scent and color. Though many varieties grow wildly in Mexico they use specific ones for these ceremonies.
Through the passing of seeds, India and Hindu cultures also gravitated to marigolds which were cultivated with Calendula. In Hindu culture they are used for weddings, religious events and festivals. During the Diwali (Hindu New Year) the flowers create elaborate decorations that act as offerings to the Gods.
Later after the seeds had shown up in Europe they once again returned to North America around the Revolutionary War. This became a popular flower for American gardeners at the turn of the century and now graces gardens as the protector back in it’s land of origin.

How to make Marigold Garland?
Making marigold garlands for your fall decor whether hung on a shelf or slung from windows is incredibly simple. Below you will find the necessary materials as well as the directions for putting it all together in the most minimal way.

Materials Needed

- 70-90 Marigold Flowers

Follow these steps
Gather flowers: Whether you are growing marigolds in your garden or are getting them from your local florist or market, you will want to gather at least 70-100 blossoms depending on the number of garlands, and so on. I think it is extra lovely if you can gather up a bunch of different varieties, sizes, and colors as well. Make sure to trim them just below the blossom. Use the Floral snips to do this cleanly.

Get supplies: Once you have all the blossoms gathered you will need the rest of the supplies. Your floral wire is sharp enough that the end will act like a needle for threading. Trim the floral wire to the length you desire for the garland and make loops you can use to hang or attach the garland wherever you plan to display it. This will also act as the end for the blossoms to sit on as they build into a garland.

Create a Loop: You will want a loop at the end to easily display your garland wherever you would like.

Begin threading marigolds: One by one thread the marigolds into a pattern and style you are wanting. It is most sturdy to go through the middle of the blossoms.

Add smaller flowers and get creative: If you have different types of flowers this is a great time to use them to get creative. You can mix them amongst the larger blossoms or you can even dangle small garlands or loops off the larger garland. Feel free to have fun here.

Display your garland: Now you can hang your garland wherever you wish to. If you hang it over a fireplace make sure it won’t catch on fire. This is crucial as it dries out. It is best hung over a window or on stairways. You can also create curtains of the marigold chains as well.
Frequently Asked Questions
How long does marigold garland last?
Your marigold garland will last and look fresh for 72 hours. After that it will begin to dry and will be completely dry in 2-3 weeks. At this point it will stay looking that way till you adjust it. From there it may be fragile and fall apart. If you make them and want them to stay fresh for a certain moment then I would suggest placing them in a fridge till the moment. Though they are very hardy flowers, they still will begin to wilt and die within 48 – 72 hours.

What do I do with the marigold garland when I am done?
When you are done with the garland and it has dried, you can keep it if you wish or you can save the floral wire for another garland you may make like this DIY evergreen garland one and remove the blooms. The blossoms can be composted or they make lovely snacks for your chickens if you have them.

How can I save the marigold seed?
If you want to save the seeds you will want to locate them. They are black threadlike seeds that are located just below the blossom leaves. When they are dry they are easy to remove and identify. Save them once they are fully dry and place in an airtight container till you are ready to plant them in late spring. They make the perfect companion plant for tomatoes.

Marigold garland is a wonderful way to extend the life of your garden as the days become colder. Though you can create marigold garland at any point in the growing season it is most popular during the fall because of the colors and the use of these flowers for celebrations such as Day of the Dead in Mexico.
Creating a marigold garland is incredibly simple and such a great decor to add into your fall decor this fall that has endless creative possibilities.

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